Dear ,
Thank you for registering with Strategy Trade.
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Password :-
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You Login details has been sent on mail.
To complete your account setup, please verify your email.
Team, Strategy Trade
Minimum investment Amount is 50 USDT.
Minimum withdrawal Amount is 10 USDT TO 1000 USDT per day after deduction of all charges .
Withdrawal fees is 10%of withdrawal Amount in USDT.
After investment the when profit on the invested amount becomes 2x then investor cannot claim the invested principle amount.
Trading Profit will be updated only if the trading goes in Profit otherwise no % update will be done .
Saturday & Sunday will be weekly off Days ( No Trade Day )
Profit of the trade will be distributed in two parts 50% as trading profit & other 50% as Team income.
If the member want to withdraw the principal amount , 20 % of the withdrawal fees will be charged from the principal amount before investor’s investment become 2x ,if they want to withdraw .
Payment will be distributed in two shifts of the day.
First shift of the payment will be from 12 PM to 2 PM & the 2nd Shift will began from 9 PM to 12 AM .
Payment will be distributed only On Office Working day i.e. Monday to Friday.
Any kind of withdrawal will distributed by the company in the upcoming 3 working days .